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Style Art Nouveau / Ref.15162

Antonin DAUM and Louis MAJORELLE, “Magnolia” torch, 1903

Width: 15'' ¾  40cm
Height: 32'' ⅝  83cm

19th century, France

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Signed “Daum Nancy” and cross of Lorraine

The Daum glassworks was founded in Nancy in 1878 by Jean Daum, before being taken over by two of his sons. Louis Majorelle took over the management of the family earthenware and furniture factory in 1879. Their collaboration gave birth to several Art Nouveau masterpieces, including the “Magnolia” torch, a model of which was presented at the Exhibition Lorraine in Paris in 1903.

The base of this torch is all plant curves. Its foot imitates a stem separating into three other stems in its upper part; the simple curve of two of them ends with a button while the third forms a large loop, from which three magnolia flowers in double molded and chiseled glass with more or less full-blown corollas are born. The curves and asymmetry of the object give the whole thing life and movement. The corollas are yellow, ranging from orange to white.

The Nancy School museum has two torches made on the same model, presenting subtle chromatic variations: their base is golden and the petals of the magnolia flowers, of a slightly opaque white, are lined with leaves of a very light blue.