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Style Napoleon III / Ref.13974

Wallace Fountain in cast iron, 19th century


Height: 102'' ⅜  260cm
Diameter: 30'' ¼  77cm

France, 19th century

Good condition. Upper part of the volutes damaged.

This Wallace fountain in cast iron was executed around 1872.

It was the great collector and philanthropist Richard Wallace who decided to finance the manufacture of about fifty fountains for the city, to be placed at various strategic points in the capital starting in 1872. Their arrival in the Parisian landscape was a real event.

This original fountain is crowned with a dome covered in scales, with four sea monsters placed on the ridge. The dome rests on four caryatids draped in antique style (see our article " caryatid "). They rest on a large octagonal base with volutes decorated with shells and tritons in bas-relief winding around Poseidon’s trident.

The model of the Wallace Fountains is due to the Nantes sculptor Charles-Auguste Lebourg, who imagined them based on sketches by Richard Wallace. The realization of the fountains was then entrusted to the largest art foundry in France: the Val d'Osne Foundry in Haute-Marne; today, following the closure of Val d'Osne, it is the GHM company in Sommevoire that has taken over the manufacture of these historic fountains.